Monday 20 July 2009

Reality Bites

I'll presume you already know about our car park / unwelcome night visitors situation, so I won't go into it all again.

The lastest update is quite a depressing reflection on the cowardliness of human nature.

For the past few nights, FH has been putting a heavy bollard in place to block the entrance to the car park, and hopefully deter our night visitors and their clients (he also gets up early every morning to move it again so the people who use the car park in the day can get in OK).
You would think this was a good thing, yes? A community-minded initiative that our neighbours (the legitimate ones, like us) would approve of?

Think again. Unbelieveable as it seems, our next door neighbour told FH: "You shouldn't really put that bollard there. What if the people who use the car park at night end up banging their cars into it when they try to turn in? They could lodge a complaint..."

Yes, what you have just read is true. Our neighbour is actually concerned about the cars of the poor sad old men who are using the car park to do their sordid business with the under-age prostitute they have picked up.
To whom might these men "complain", I wondered, seething, when FH reported the story???

But perhaps it is us who are on the wrong track. What we should really be doing is putting up a helpful sign with - hey why not - a flashing arrow to help them find their way into the car park!
Or - even better - maybe we should set up a free bar and offer them a complementary drink, just to make it all a bit nicer for them?!

Who was it said that all it takes for bad men to succeed is for good men to do nothing (or something to that effect)?

Case in point.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe you should inform the owner of the parking. They are responsible for anything that happens on their property. So they should do something.
But I fully agree with you that prostitution should be legalized so that it is controlled, secured and safe for everybody.