Tuesday 7 July 2009

Night Visitors: Update

Just a quick update for all of you who sent such kind messages of empathy.
And thank you Pascale for the "big spotlight" idea - it's a very good one! We will endeavour to have the aforementioned light bought and paid for by the private company who owns the car park, but it could well be a long, hard battle to convince them to shell out a bit of money... Hum.

Maybe I didn't mention that the car park is actually owned by a private company, and is used by the company's employees during the day?
Anyway, a letter which may be qualified as "subtlely threatening", composed by FH and posted by me, has been addressed to them this morning...
And last night, FH had a simple yet brilliant idea (along the lines of the bright light, but less costly):
he printed up a few official-looking notices saying "WARNING: You are being filmed by infrared security cameras" and pinned them up in strategic spots around the car park.

As far as we could tell, there was no activity last night, but then again, it was only Monday, which might well be their night off...?

All other inspired ideas are very welcome!

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