Sunday 5 July 2009

One of Life's Simple Pleasures (2)

... Sharing a "private joke" with my almost-two-year-old son.

Every development is wonderful and fascinating (to a mother), but can anything beat this?
Now, sometimes, when I'm being funny (or trying to be), he actually "gets the joke".
And I don't mean obvious stuff, like clowning around, but the more subtle, wink-wink kind of humour. A conspiratorial giggle. Or the twinkling eyes that tell me "I know you're teasing me", or "I'm teasing you."

His latest thing is to mock the way I say "More?" when offering him food. He holds out his cup, puts on a snooty English accent, says "more?", and cracks up laughing.

I'm telling you, pleasures don't get any more simple or wonderful than this...

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