Thursday 23 July 2009

Domestic Goddess

After one morning's experimentation, I think we can safely conclude that, while I have a considerable number of highly commendable university diplomas, I have zero domestic skills.

I am incapable of cleaning windows in anything other than "streaky mode".

I have little or no capacity for concentration when it comes to housework.

I find ironing boring (for years, FH has had me believe the "soothing activity" myth about ironing...).

I just gave 5 euros to a young man who came to the door claiming to be collecting money for "the homeless". I noted his clean-cut appearance and his well-fitting clothes (that looked considerably more expensive than my own), but I was incapable of saying no.

I am on the Internet when I should be preparing yummy homemade meals to freeze for BB while I'm in hospital.

Why am I still on the Internet??

I promise: if I am still here this weekend, I will write about something other than "waiting for birth", just so you don't think I'm becoming obsessed.

Tomorrow I plan to go to the swimming pool. Will anyone notice if my waters break in the water? Will I notice??

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