Wednesday 15 July 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

Monday being yet another "bridge day", FH took the day off work and we set off - gritting our teeth - to a certain Swedish furniture superstore.
Our mission was to buy a "big boy bed" for BB, whose legs can now frequently be seen dangling out between the bars of his baby cot.
We had already spent a considerable amount of time umming and aahing about this decision, which - naturally - takes on an importance akin to that of global warming or the future of capitalism for well-meaning parents.

I have to stress that FH and I have been to the aforementioned Swedish furniture store a total of THREE times only in the 10 years we have been together.
There are reasons for this.
I hate it.
Each of the three previous outings has ended excrutiatingly badly (claustrophobia-induced panic attack; marital dispute verging on threat of divorce, etc....), but we were determined that this time, things would run smoothly.

And they did. Sort of.
We spent the entire morning wandering around the labyrinth, studiously taking measurements, calmly weighing up pros and cons and noting down references... Then we purchased the 1-euro breakfast and ate it companiably before venturing into the warehouse area to pick out our chosen bed.
FH heaved the various flat packs onto the trolley, and we set off towards the mile-long queues in the till area.

Then, at precisely the same moment, we both stopped, looked at each other, looked at the laden trolley and said: "Maybe it's a bit too soon."
Weeks of debate, an entire morning in the nearest place to hell (in my humble opinion) that modern man has invented... and we got cold feet two metres away from the checkout.

So in the end, we piled everything back onto the shelf, returned the empty trolley, and passed through the checkout with... a €11.95 toilet brush.

Yes, that's right: the fruit of our efforts amounted to a classy Swedish toilet brush.
But the silver lining to this story is that, for the first time in 10 years, we left the place laughing...

A Swedish designed toilet brush, made in China. The result of our romantic day off together


Stevie G. said...

That is one stylish toilet brush!

AFG said...

Yes, so much better to buy furniture in little boutiques ... or have it tailor made Mexican style. But, where is big brother going to sleep when little brother comes?

Shirl said...

BB (Big Brother) will stay in his bed, and LB (Little Brother) will just have to make do with the Moses Basket and the travel cot (I know, I know, poor thing) until everyone is ready to "upgrade"!
But on the plus side, everyone gets to benefit from the stylish new brush ;-)