Monday 16 November 2009

Seeing More Clearly

This weekend, for the first time in what feels like a long time, we felt alert enough to do some socialising. By alert I mean: awake, capable of coherent conversation, able to interact with other adults. These may all seem like basic skills, but believe me, I think we definitely lost them for a while there.

Those first three months are tough. It's only now, as we're starting to emerge from the bubble, and I feel more like myself again, that I realise quite how tough it's been. This is not a complaint, just an observation.
It's actually been taking 99% of my energy just to be a mother, and somehow, I think I got locked into "daily survival" mode.
The trouble with this mode, of course, is that you quickly lose the will to make an effort with the outside world: just making it through the day to your glass of wine and five-minute feet-up on the sofa seems like challenge enough.

Now that my fuzzy head is starting to clear, I can see the benefits of spending time with friends, making phone calls to catch up with people we let drift off the radar...
FH and I actually managed two proper conversations this weekend (i.e. conversations with a scope beyond the daily survival / logistics perimeter).
It's all very refreshing. I hope that - though winter is approaching - we will manage to find our way OUT of hibernation and back into society...

Oh, and just because my eyesight had improved, that didn't mean I couldn't treat myself to a new pair of glasses, did it?

Sometimes it helps to step back and see the world differently.

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