Friday 13 November 2009

Gut Feeling

If, like me, you are someone who makes decisions based 80% on gut feeling and 20% on rational thought (these percentages are approximate, not scientific, in case you were wondering whether there might actually be a calculator for working out this kind of stuff... ;-), then, like me, you may get a little apprehensive from time to time, trying to distinguish your gut feelings from other stuff (hormones, tiredness, emotion, fear, etc.).
Take this "returning to work" lark, for example.
As you may know, I was supposed to go back to work on December 7th. Consequently, LB was supposed to embark on his long and no doubt fruitful academic journey on the same date: he was due to start creche.

But as the time has been approaching, I have been feeling more and more that we are just not ready. And when I say "we", I really do mean both of us. At least I think I do.
This gut feeling of not being ready had been churning around in my stomach for a few weeks when I finally blurted it all out to my sister.
She listened, approved and told me I should do the necessary to make sure LB and I gain an extra month at home together.
I wept with relief at having my gut feeling confirmed by someone whose judgement I respect.
(FH didn't really get it. It's not his fault, of course, it's just that, well, he's a man: they tend to be more rational about this kind of thing).

So now it's just a case of making a small, reasonable-sounding appeal to creche, and writing a "brave" email to my boss (yes, yes, I know it would be better to call, but can one really translate the maternal desire to spend more time cocooning with baby into anything remotely professional-sounding??).

When it comes down to it, though, the stomach churning has stopped, so something must be right about this decision.
And LB and I will sit tight and trust our instincts until January...


Les canadiens said...

As a man, I fully understand you. I always listen to my stomach, which tells me 3 times a day exactly what to do ;-)

Shirl said...
