Monday 30 March 2009

Picture Perfect

The other day I was standing in our back garden, manoeuvring myself like a cat into the last patch of sunlight, when I happened to look up at the sky.
It struck me that the view before my eyes was somehow familiar...

After days of searching my brain and the Internet, I finally remembered where I'd seen it before...

Vincent Van Gogh, 1890 (Saint-Rémy), Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam

Shirley, Toulouse, March 2009


Delphine said...

Carrot cake, wolksvagen and Van Gogh, what "éclectisme" !
I am a fan of your pictures... (& I have the same type at home)
I wonder if it is possible that we might have been twins in an other life ?

Shirl said...

Oh, it's all about the quality of the camera, not the talent of the photographer ;-)