Monday 15 November 2010

Save the Date

November 13th sounds - at least to my prejudiced ears - like it should be one of the dreariest days of the year: gloomy, light-deprived and humid, or "winter without the good stuff".
And yet, it turned out to be just the opposite.
A bright, sunny day that would have done June 21st (or any "nice" sounding date) proud.

A day spent in the Pyrenees with a couple of friends and their children... good food, fine wine, sunshine, a breath-taking palette of Autumn leaves, a log fire when the sun went down... and BB's first afternoon nap with.... a girl!
We were oh-so-proud as we watched our offspring jump into bed, full of excitement and disbelief at the novelty of being able to sleep together.

My only question now is: at what age do you stop being delighted that your little boy is snuggling up in bed with a girl??

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