Friday 19 November 2010


Job Dating is the professional version of Speed Dating, which most people know about.
The latter involves a room-full of hopeful Singles and a carefully orchestrated "interview" system, in which each Hopeful has seven minutes to sell him or herself to a potential love interest.
Job Dating at The Firm is a "sparky" new concept that functions on much the same lines.

So, I was invited to one (a Job Dating session, that is).
And then, two days later, I was uninvited.

Seriously, just like that, with nothing more than a bland email informing me that I had been callously de-selected.
Wow. It's a tough old world.
To be rejected based on a lame seven-minute performance, or a bad-hair day, or an ability to nod and smile sufficiently... that, I could have coped with.
But to be rejected before the whole thing has even begun... Man, even the most hardy among us have to scoop up our egos and dust them down.

The reasons for my pre-emptive rejection are unclear (I rushed to check my CV but no, it doesn't contain my photo, so it can't be that I just failed to meet the physical criteria or something). Not that HR should involve physical criteria at all, but hey, this is 2010, the world is an unfriendly place: you never know.

Anyway, allow me to digest. And recoup.
Something tells me that, once my ego has been restored to full health, I'll probably be able to glimpse the bigger picture here.

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