Sunday 24 January 2010

A New Day Dawns

One morning, eyes glazed over as hands grip a steaming cup of coffee, our ears prick as, suddenly, a sweet sound makes its way through the still-closed shutters...
What could it be? Gentle at first, then louder... the sound begins to fill our consciousness and the messy kitchen...
"Hush!" we tell the baby excitedly, as we listen, frozen, hardly daring to believe...

Not the tweet of birds, nor the rustle of fresh leaves... but a sign nonetheless that a new day is dawning.

Heart pounding, I fling open the shutters: the sound fills our ears... and our wildest hopes are confirmed.

Not the tweet of birds... but the low rumble of a digger and the piercing shriek of a power drill. It can only mean one thing. Men are at work. A barrier is being erected. The car park is being closed off. The prostitutes will have to find a new place of work!

FH and I look at each other with teary pride. Ordinary folk of the world unite! It IS possible to take on the powers-that-be and win! The pen IS mightier than the sword! Spring has arrived early!


Carol Castle said...

yeah!!! Brilliant news! Out with the hookers!

Shirl said...

I just hope they remember to put a barrier on the other entrance as well. Otherwise it's a bit pointless!