Friday 8 January 2010

Chaos Reigns

Something quite remarkable has happened since I left work last summer. I don’t know if it’s the new office, the pot plant revolution or the series of financial scandals that have plagued the Firm over the past few years… but my colleagues have become – what’s the word? – cool.

They chat, they smile, they drink coffee, they leave early, they have a sense of perspective about their work, their priorities are elsewhere… In short, they have all turned into me!

So suddenly, instead of feeling like an anarchist among model employees, I actually feel strangely at home.

This is quite disconcerting.

I returned to the office on Thursday with one major objective: to brood quietly behind my computer screen until hometime.

In fact, I spent 3 hours conversing with my boss about the flaws of capitalism and the need to put one’s personal life first.

Could this shift in attitude be a side-effect of the economic meltdown?

If so, I can only say bravo! At last, something positive. Maybe the ordinary workers of the world are finally starting to unite and say enough! Conscientiousness is falling by the wayside: the office is mutating into a self-help discussion group with free coffee, heating and electricity.

It’s far from perfect, and I’d still rather be conversing with LB, but at least it’s not a constant charade anymore.

Buoyed up by this spirit of revolution, I decided on my first day back to cut down to just 3 days per week. It’ll cost me, but in return, I’ll get to stay at home with LB once a week. And how much will that be worth, when the big day of reckoning arrives?

Mmm, something tells me the answer is “priceless”.

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