Sunday 26 April 2009

Sunday DIY-ers

We have an expression in French: "les bricoleurs du dimanche".
Literally, it means "Sunday DIY-ers", and refers - somewhat teasingly - to those male DIY enthusiasts who spend considerably more time and energy talking about the work than actually doing it...

All talk and not much action, if you like...

In our household, we now have not one but TWO Sunday DIY-ers!
This weekend, as FH huffed and puffed his way through a few home improvement tasks, BB discovered a budding passion for DIY...

He was soon perspiring happily under the pressure of it all.
Just like his Dad.

Their mission was to attach new door knobs to the kitchen cupboards.
The job required an impressive range of tools.
Manpower required: Two male DIY-ers.
Time taken: Lots.

Just think, if New Baby is also a DIY-er... I may soon have enough "bricoleurs du dimanche" to make a whole week! Lucky me...

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