Wednesday 11 February 2009

Tables Turned...

Er - remember how I said that daytime TV was a real pain, a horrific temptation, a destroyer of brain cells, etc., etc.?
Well, since yesterday, we no longer have TV. And not by choice either. We still have the physical object, but we no longer have an aerial, since the nice men who came to repair the roof (remember the wind storm?) decided thoughtfully to take the aerial down as well. And they're much better at removing things than replacing them, it seems...
So, you're probably thinking: great! Temptation removed - problem solved!

No. No, no, no. By virtue of some bizarre quirk of human nature, since the TV option has been brutally removed, it's now all I can think about!!
Suddenly, I NEED to watch TV. Even daytime TV! The mere fact of knowing I can't makes me pine for it all!!
I suppose it's like, if someone tied your hands behind your back, you would go crazy with desire to scratch your ankle or something. I'm sure you can think of your own analogy.

So, what to do??
I'm so ashamed...


Ptitwill said...

A geek would say: plug in your brand new Freebox and enjoy the massive list of TV Channels proposed, You Tube movies or simply pay-per-view programs.
Hopefully, I'm not a geek.
"Welcome to the real world", take care. ;o)

Shirl said...

Ha! Did you see my next post, Will? That's exactly what I did!

I am a geek too, it seems...

Au secours!!!