Tuesday 10 February 2009

One Small Step for Woman...

I am not particularly modern. Or technological. I am, for example, one of only a handful of people over the age of 8 in the northern hemisphere who does not own a mobile phone (or want to).

However, recently I succumbed to broadband Internet access, in the form of a “Freebox” (cunning name: of course it’s not really free).

All of this makes me nervous. Words like broadband, text, LAN, Wifi, unlimited access, etc. give me the vague, irrational feeling that the whole of humanity has taken a wrong turn somewhere. Does anyone else feel like this? Or am I just weird?

I know what lies ahead for me now: hours of teeth-grinding frustration and futile conversations with hotlines in India who don’t understand and can’t help me.

Yep, this whole Internet, mobile, Blackberry, GPS lark makes me think that modern man has missed the boat somewhere along the line, but (and I’m sorry if the mixed metaphor is getting confusing), it seems I still can’t help jumping on the bandwagon…

BB celebrates the arrival of the Freebox by... climbing on top of it...

... and riding it like a horse..

PS I am still home alone and ill. But I have found a good, unread book at the back of my bookshelf ("Notes from an Exhibition" by Patrick Gale), so I am safe from the clutches of daytime TV for the moment...


AFG said...

you know, i think everyone just has a technological boundary and while it is different for everyone, we have to keep pushing it. way back in 1997 my dad said the internet is great but i don't need it... right until i informed him i would be living in ecuador for a year! right now my own personal limit is setting up my phone to receive emails... partly because i don't understand it, and partly because i don't want to. (i like my laptop just fine.) i think that it's ok not to be one of the early up-takers on those technological curves as long as you keep a healthy respect for the fact that most times technology is a useful thing.

Shirl said...

Wise words, Anita...
(all this extra napping is obviously doing wonders for your brain cells!!).
Speak soon,
love, Shirl