Wednesday 5 January 2011

11 Commandments for 2011

1/ I will be a fervent defender of my precious free time. I will make time for those people who truly inspire me, and forget the others.

2/ I will not live my life according to a sense of obligation.

3/ I will travel as much as I can; I will cover kilometres and kilometres and make unreasonable journeys in order to spend a few hours with the people I care about most.

4/ I will know when to take time out: I will greet my solitude like an old friend.

5/ I will read The Economist every week, to keep my brain ticking over.

6/ I will read at least two novels every month, because escapism is a necessity, not a luxury.

7/ I will continue to write - even if I only write one page a month.

8/ I will not be brought down to earth by those who fly the flag of reality... as though amazement and day-dreaming were reserved for the under-5s.

9/ I will not RUSH. If I arrive at work half an hour later than everyone else, SO BE IT!

10/ I will not compare myself to other mothers. Especially not unfavourably.

11/ I will be imperfect. Because, even if I fail at all of the above (see points 1 - 10), no doubt the universe will continue to unfold as it should...

1 comment:

Rose-Marie said...

Bravo pour ces 11 commandements !!!
Je vais essayer d'en faire de même ...
Pour les voyages tu es la bienvenue avec ta petite famille à Montréal on serait super heureux de vous faire découvrir notre province d'adoption !
D'ici là, nous aurons l'occasion de nous voir (je l'espère !) sur Toulouse au mois de mai, les billets ne sont pas encore pris mais on devrait rester une 15ène de jours.
Grosses bises à tous les 4