Tuesday 24 August 2010

The Good, The Bad and... The Birthday

Hello. We are back.
But the photos are still in the phone, the suitcases are still full (and being used as a makeshift wardrobe) and the brain is still a little frazzled.
If you are interested in seeing some of the great photos FH took during our trip to England and Paris, you will have to bear with me. And keep checking this space. At some point in the next week - who knows! - we may actually find a moment to download them.

In the meantime, our trip home was filled - as always - with some acutely stressful and some wonderful moments.
Train travel is long, tedious, sweaty and physical.
But on the other hand, it also offers some exquisite memories, of which:

- Me, playing table tennis in front of the British Library in London. A random encounter with a PHD student... Half an hour filled in the most unusual manner "en route" to St Pancras station...

- Four of us in the back of a taxi, riding through Paris on a balmy summer's evening. LB, looking almost regal as he surveys the city through the glass...

- A random encounter with one of FH's cousins on Sunday morning, as BB and I take a stroll in the Buttes Chaumont in Paris. One of those "30 seconds later and our paths would never have crossed" moments. Ensuing improvised birthday party for BB at cousin's flat...

- Racing to grab a cab in Toulouse, at 11 p.m. Two little boys with arms waving, hailing a taxi like seasoned travellers.

- The joy on their faces as we arrive home.

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