Sunday 28 February 2010

The Rough Guide to Toulouse

Mum/Nana just came over for a few days, so FH and I were freed up to do a little travelling.
Adventurous, energetic young things that we are, we opted for a citybreak. In Toulouse.
This was environmentally-friendly travel at its finest: a hotel located a mere 5 km from home, to which we cycled.
Can a more "green" holiday exist?? I mean, short of simply camping in your own back garden? I think not. We didn't even use any hot water.

To be fair, our choice of destination was not motivated by ethical considerations: we were just too damned tired to go anywhere else.
And this way, we could come home during the day and play an active role in childcare. The boys probably assumed we'd just gone out to buy bread and croissants and taken a very long time about it.

One perk of the citybreak was the buffet breakfast on offer at the hotel. Man, this was every downtrodden parent's dream. All-inclusive, eat-all-you-can, everything you could possibly imagine wanting or needing at breakfast.
Unfortuntely, such breakfasts are rather wasted on me, as I have limited stomach space and a strange inability to eat more than my full.

FH, on the other hand, suffers from no such constraints.
As I watched him pile plate after plate with croissants, brioche, bread rolls, cakes and those cute little nutella jars, I couldn't help but smile. It was suddenly 10 years ago, and we were backpackers on a shoestring, eeking every bread roll out of the buffet breakfast, so that we wouldn't have to pay for lunch.
Ten years ago, seeing FH stuff his pockets with breakfast stuff would have embarrassed the hell out of me.
Five years ago, it would have annoyed me.
Today, it made me happy. We are still young at heart.

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