Thursday 24 December 2009

Webcam Christmas

This year for the first time, it's just the four of us for Christmas. One little family, and only two people who really know it's Christmas.
Luckily, we have the webcam, to share a few moments with some of our loved ones. Not all technology is bad, some of it has even been welcomed into our twenty-first century-reticent home with open arms.

Because last year's yuletide stay in the mountains was such a - ahem - success*... this year we have decided to head to the ocean. We are leaving for Ile de Ré on Saturday morning, back in a week.
Enjoy the festivities! Thanks to all who've been kind enough to read my blog and dabble in our domestic dilemmas and tribulations in 2009!

* This isn't really fair. The mountains were fine, it was just the morning / 24hr sickness that made it feel like a week spent in the ante-chamber of hell...

Photo taken last time we were in Ile de Ré, October 2007


Delphine said...

Tu es si jolie sur cette photo !!!
Bon Noel à vous 4 et bon bol d'air.

Shirl said...

Merci! A vous aussi :-)