Thursday 7 May 2009

Our Man in Washington

I just finished reading Barack Obama's autobiography, Dreams From My Father.
It was published in 1995, so presumably well before he had any realistic aspirations of becoming President...
What I mean is: I don't think it should be read as a propaganda pamphlet, and that's certainly not the way it comes across.

Well, I was quite a fan before I read his book... but now I think I have progressed to the stage of full-blown groupie.
Maybe one day I will be forced to eat my words (manger mes mots?!), but this is one politician who seems to be as genuine as they get.
This is a man who walked away from a blooming corporate career in his early twenties to go and work with under-privileged families in Chicago, then decided to study law so that he could defend the down-trodden more effectively.
It would take a major dose of cynicism for such a man to become corrupted, now that he has finally made it to the top job.

As I say, maybe I will regret my near-hero worship at some point in the future, but I'm hoping not.

For goodness sake, last night I even dreamt about him! I dreamt that we were a couple... or was it that Barack was trying to desperately to persuade me to go out with him? Yes, I think that was it.
Sad, isn't it? And to think that I am a respectable 31 year old wife and mother...
Bet I'm not the only one, though.

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