I had just dropped the boys off at creche and was setting off to work, huddled up over the steering wheel with the heater on full blast.
As the car edged its way through the tangle of traffic, I glanced to my left and noticed a lone man taking photos through the railings of the park. As though he had all the time in the world, he was serenely lining up the perfect shot: beautiful thick snow hanging from huge conifers, against the shimmering backdrop of a crystal clear blue sky.
On closer inspection (the traffic really was moving slowly), I realised that the man was a good friend of mine, S.
S. also works at the Firm: he is neither a photographer nor a man with a lot of time on his hands... which made the sight of him, here, now, taking time out, even more touching.
Later that day, I sent S. a little message: This morning I saw a romantic soul taking photos of the park: there's a guy who knows how to appreciate beauty, I thought!
Minutes later, a reply came flying back: I can't believe you saw me! If you knew the importance that little moment held for me...
The thing is, last year, I was driving to work, bad-temperedly, fuming at the traffic and all the rest, when I noticed a guy taking photos of the park, in exactly the same spot. It was a beautiful snowy day. And I promised myself that, next time we had a day like that, well, that guy making time to appreciate the beauty of the moment would be me! So I waited, and that day was today.
You see, I wrote back, I didn't know the background: I just saw a romantic guy taking time to live. I guess that means you've become the person you wanted to be!
S. agreed. But, he said, they're just moments, aren't they? What about the rest of life, the dissatisfaction, the disappointments, the frustration...?
I thought about that, but the answer came to me pretty quickly.
But that's all life really is, isn't it? A series of moments.
If you have the ability to stop your car, contemplate the view, maybe take a photo or two... Then what else matters, really?
1 comment:
I LOVE that post
Make me happy because it's SO true
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