This is the question on a lot of people's lips at the moment. In theory, it's straightforward: there's a problem (swine flu), there's a solution (vaccine): enough said.
In practice, there are lots of questions and doubts (here in France) concerning the vaccine itself. These range from the fairly reasonable (it's unnecessary) to the downright scary (the vaccine will have horrible untold side effects in the years to come; it's all a big con to make money for the big pharamceutical companies).
So how are we possibly to decide what to do for the best among all these terrifying rumours and divided opinions?
For sure, if I didn't have young kids, I'd take the risk of getting sick. But apparently it's irresponsible not to protect your kids from the potential lethal consequences of the flu (especially babies).
So after MUCH consideration, and MUCH reading around the subject, I've pretty much decided that the three of us (FH, BB and me) will go for the jab on Wednesday.
I wish I could say I'm happy with this decision.
I sort of feel it's the "right" thing to do, but a large part of me (the intuitive part) is shouting: "you're being manipulated!"
I guess this is the flip-side of making people responsible for their own health: in other words, choice carries with it the burden of worry.
I know exactly how you feel, Shirl, I debated with myself for ages about whether to get the shot for myself and the boys or not. However, I asked our pediatrician, a no-nonsense woman who I have great respect for. She said she would definitely recommend it for us. My OB, also a woman who's opinion I respect, told me to get it. I can't see why these two highly educated women would tell me to do something for the sake of a marketing campaign or money. I think they've done the research. And as my friend Amber said, if the government was trying to poison us, they would get a lot more people if they just put something in the water.
However, as you know, my boys and I are all sick right now with what is probably H1N1. We had the shot, but it takes 10-15 days to build up immunity. And thanks to preschool, we got sick before those days were up so I don't know if we're any better off or not.
I think the media hype behind this thing is ridiculous, but at the end of the day, you just have to go with your gut. Unfortunately, its sometimes hard to figure out what its saying!
Oh, and take a treat for BB for immediately after the shot. He's going to need something to distract him! I gave the guys funny pig-shaped lollipops and it definitely helped lessen the look of utter betrayal they were shooting my way.
Pascale, thank you so much for your wise advice. It's all so contradictory and confusing: it really helps to get some well-balanced advice from someone who's "been there".
I really hope things are improving for you all.
I am consulting your blog every day in the hope of reading a "We're all fine again" message soon.
I can just imagine how absolutely outraged BB is going to be when he gets the shot ;-(
My only advice is to worry as much as you would do concerning a medical process that has been used for more than 200 years.
In my opinion, there are so many other topics to worry about and for which we have much less past experience.
But then you know, it's the burden of parents to make decision based on too little information and then to bear the responsibility. My 12 month baby got the shot and is fine... up to now!
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