Of course, that's fine, he wrote. Make the most of it, he added ominously.
He then went on to fill me in on the latest "news" from the office. Much to his bemusement, it appears that, since we changed offices in October (in my absence), my colleagues have been heading a mini-revolution.
The pot plant revolution, to be more specific.
One by one, people have been turning up to work with their favourite cactus, or ficus, or orchid or whatever... and plonking it defiantly on their desk.
And, despite the official regulations stipulating that the open space must not be "polluted" with personal objects (plants are explicitely forbidden), they are so far being tolerated.
Dizzy with success, some colleagues now have up to four leafy friends adorning their work space.
OK, it may not seem like much. But believe me, in the microcosm that is The Firm - where obedience and conservatism are the norm - this rebellion constitutes an Event.
And somehow, however much I roll my eyes, this teeny tiny revolution has made me slightly more optimistic about returning to work.
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