Some days deserve two posts. I hope you don't mind. Tomorrow, there may be none - who knows? - so why postpone the urge to say something?
I just stumbled across a beautiful line while reading the blog of a woman I don't know.
It would be virtually impossible for her to stumble across my blog, I think (unless destiny is playing a wild card), but just in case, well, I give her all the credit.
Sometimes we read something quite randomly, and it seems to have been written just for us, left like an anonymous package in the letter box.
"Le futur est proche, mais le temps pour y arriver, une éternité."
I don't think my translation really captures the poetry of the original, I'm sorry.
This sums up how I feel today.
Time to make time. To enjoy the passage of time. To let time decide, from time to time.
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