Fooled you! I'm still here. And baby is still right here. I.e. on the inside.
FH actually peers into the waiting cot every morning and quips "Oh - still not here then?"
I think it's supposed to be a little joke :-)
I promised I wouldn't write about the "event that shall not be named" any more but... well... I lied.
Just to add that it seems that this whole birth date mix-up may in fact be a cultural quiproquo...
Ah yes, even after 9 years in France, apparently I am too British, too literal, in my interpretation of a doctor's infamous words: "You will definitely give birth next week".
I have asked a few people "in the know", and - shock, horror - apparently the phrase "next week" is not to be taken literally in French! It is not a reference to time but merely a figure of speech. In other words, definitely next week ACTUALLY means "at some point in the not-too-distant future"!
Well, well.
I radically adjusted my notions of time years ago, soon after I came to live in France. For example, I quickly learned that, if you are invited to someone's house at, say, 8 p.m., this actually means 8.30 p.m. at the earliest. To arrive at 8 on the dot would be weird (and you'd probably find your hosts gardening, or showering or maybe not even there at all), and to arrive at 5 to 8 or earlier would be downright rude.
But I must have let my guard down.
I checked this interesting new time theory with FH and he confirmed: yes, "next week" does not really mean "within the next 7 days".
So now you know.
I still have things to learn about being French...
And luckily, I seem to have a lot more time to learn them than I counted on...
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