Unfortunately for me, all of these words are French, but I suppose it's inevitable that his French will progress faster than his English.
And, to relieve you of the unbearable suspense, here are the four lucky words:
Chat (cat); Chien (dog); Chaussettes (socks); Chaussures (shoes).
I am particulary impressed with the last one, as personally I still find it quite hard to pronounce, even after nine years in France...
However, do you see a pattern emerging?
Is it a mere coincidence that all of the new words start with "Ch".... or is BB methodically working his way through the alphabet??
If that's the case... well, my goodness, what an intelligent, organised little boy he is! Has he secretly been reading the dictionary at night after lights out? Or is he just starting with the hard stuff, to make doubly sure he doesn't have a lisp??
(try to pronounce all four words with a lisp - you'll see what I mean).
N.B. We know it's not just a fluke because he's using all of the new words in the right context (i.e. whilst pointing to the corresponding object). There's only been one unfortunate incident, in which he pointed at our neighbour and exclaimed "un chat!", but to be fair, the neighbour is quite rotund and teddy-bear-like...
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