It's less easy when you're exhausted, irritable and slightly fed-up...
But instead of shirking away from the blogosphere in shame, I have decided to write about feeling blue as well... because it's part of life, and I'm guessing everyone feels that way sometimes.
I hate negativity, and I know how amazingly lucky I am, in the wider scheme of humanity and all that. Really I do.
But at the moment, I am so tired that if I could snuggle up in a time bubble for a few months, undisturbed, I'm pretty sure I would jump at the occasion.
I love my BB to bits, of COURSE I do... but you know, if he could just say "mummy, why don't you take a break, you look exhausted! I'll just entertain myself today!", well... well, that would make me very, very happy. At 20 months, however, this scenario is a little unlikely.
To cheer myself up, I have decided to make a random list of all the things I would love to be doing right now, if time, money and reality were no object...
2/ Spend two weeks being pampered at a luxury spa resort.
4/ Spend a long weekend in Cancun (minus the swine flu) with Anita, Mario and Ingrid, getting to know Anita's baby daughter whilst sipping cold lemonade by the pool (having journeyed to Mexico via tele-transportation of course: no aeroplanes in this scenario).
5/ Go back-packing around Italy, just me, FH, an unlimited amount of time and money.
Ah, just thinking about all my options has made me feel a little better.
And the good thing is that, no matter what, tomorrow is always a new day.
The items on your wish list are all achieveable and I'm sure you'll get to do them one day. Except perhaps the tele-transportation thing! In the meantime, as you've discovered, there's a definite benefit to be had from just imagining yourself in these scenarios. We so often underestimate the power of thought and it's effect on feelings. Anyway, you really got me thinking about creating a wish list of my own. And since I'm not constrained by pregnancy or dependent offspring, what's to stop me actually acting on it? Dare I? It's an exciting idea!
Of course you dare! Just thinking about it means you're half way there... xx
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