Wednesday 21 July 2010

French Connection

... And, as if purchasing my first mobile phone after all these years of "abstinence" wasn't enough... yesterday I actually managed (all alone, with no help from anyone) to connect up our new landline phone.
The one that - shamefully - has been sitting in its box, untouched, since December 2009*.

Man, this has been one major week for telecommunications.

* Not strictly true: I did make an attempt to connect it sometime last spring... but aborted the mission sometime around 1 a.m. when the Freebox and the phone line just refused to hook up.
The phone only narrowly escaped a grizzly end at the bottom of the bin lorry then, let me tell you.

1 comment:

Delphine said...

Let's sing "we/you are the champions" from the same Freddy M....