Tuesday 6 April 2010

One Man's Rich is Another Man's Poor

Driving back from the beach yesterday evening, a little voice pipes up from the back:

Maman, pourquoi elle est cassée, cette voiture?
, why is that car broken?)

I glance to the left, in search of a car with bashed bodywork or a flat tyre.
But what do I see instead?
In the lane next to us: a trendy young guy in a flashy convertible... with the roof down.

FH and I burst out laughing.
We're about to explain, when suddenly we decide the truth is boring.
So FH swivels round and tells our open-mouthed BB:
"I guess that poor man's roof got broken. And he hasn't been able to fix it."

"Ah," says BB, solemnly. "Le pauvre...".

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