Who gets the most pleasure out of it all?
Throw that question out today to the two little boys in this household, and you'll get a quick answer flung back: Maman.
Yes, decidedly, Maman.
Because, really, it would appear that a brisk walk, a spot of play in the radiant sunshine and a few bites of baguette and cheese "à la campagne" are a parent's idea of fun.
3 year olds and 1 year olds have radically different opinions on how free time should be spent.
Alas, to cut a long story short (I'm sure you can factor in the enthusiasm / whining / tears / thinly disguised disappointment in the appropriate slots), here's the brief summary of "Wednesday with Mum".
I pack up a huge bag of stuff and heap of outer garments, and drive for over an hour to take them here:
And one of them refuses to get out of here:
Back home. Just doing exactly what they always do: drawing, painting and pushing felt tip pens along the table top.
Hum hum hum.
Who was it said "youth is wasted on the young"?!
There is an enigmatic post scriptum to this humble tale.
As I was jerking the car into reverse and preparing to drive away from my "day of outdoor fun", I couldn't help but admonish BB: "you know, you really are too soft! OK, there's a SLIGHT breeze and it's a BIT cold, but this is nothing compared to the weather in England! It's colder than this in England, you know! And windier! AND it rains! You should think yourself lucky to live here!"
I don't know quite what response I was expecting from a 3 year old, but the solemn little words spoken from the backseat were certainly intriguing:
"Yes, I know Maman. But I'm not scared in England."
Ah. I squinted into the rearview mirror and caught BB's eye.
That shut me up.
This post made me smile!
There's a saying in England: What goes around comes around.
I can recall many a similar occasion when the grumpy face in the back of the car refusing to enter into the spirit of mum and dad's fun day out belonged to a certain young miss called Shirley.
As another saying puts it: The boot's on the other foot now!
Ha! Don't worry, I'm well aware of the "justice" of the situation! It takes 25 years and the experience of motherhood to finally appreciate our own parents!!
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