"Maman, in English, CAR. En français, VOITURE!
In English, HOUSE. En français, MAISON!
In English, WINDOW. En français, FENETRE!"
Open-mouthed, I swing round to stare at my triumphant little BB, sitting smugly in the back seat.
I am so astounded I almost crash the voiture.
Such is the current state of our bathroom. With no sink, no shelves, no cupboard and a lot of haphazard plaster all over the walls, no-one could really claim that the room is at its most advantageous.
Except, evidently, the son of the DIY fanatic.
Call it family loyalty, call it the innocence of the young... BB, on discovering the "new" state of his former bathroom, was heard to exclaim:
"Oh, papa! C'est TRES joli ce que tu as fait!"
Ah, if only I could find it in me to be so encouraging!
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