Merry Mummy mutates into Mean Mummy. Eyes glued to the road, she has but one goal: get them all back to Toulouse before anyone throws a dangerous object through the windscreen.
Sweet boy has become Evil Spoilt Child. Hard to believe that only hours earlier, I was thinking how cute he looked in his skinny lycra trunks.

Only LB appears mildly more relaxed at the end of the holiday than at the start.
May we therefore deem the trip "a success"??
I love all the photos. I also love your honesty about parenting: I find the bit in your previous post about being a laissez-faire mother reassuring as I suspect that's how I would be too! I suspect you could probably write a good book on the subject: even-handed, nonjudgemental, both enlightening and entertaining, full of joy and wisdom. And you have such beautiful children: they're such a good advert for the joys of parenting even if in your writing you acknowledge that its not all a bed of roses!
Thank you so much for the kind words, E.
I sometimes feel a little guilty for the "negative" parenting posts (and some of them are, admittedly, a little intentionally cynical for humorous purposes!) but on the other hand, I hope it comes across that I love my kids as much as any mother possible could! They just drive me crazy sometimes... and any mother who doesn't empathise with that is either dishonest or a saint!!!
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