So, we finally got to bank holiday no. 4 (that's the fourth since May 1st...) and hey presto!
It wasn't raining!
One out of 4 ain't bad, hey?
But of course, since it was no longer raining it was, naturally, boiling hot.
That just about sums up the Toulouse climate: if it ain't snowing, it's probably scorching.
It has always struck me that we get very little mid-season weather down in this corner of Europe... a definite lack of light-jacket days. Which is a downright shame, since I seem to have an impulsive addiction to light jackets, and possess about fifty of them.
Most are therefore for display purposes only - sad.
Still, they look nice hanging smartly in the wardrobe.
Anyway, two special things occurred this bank holiday weekend: my friend Carla got married... and BB started to use the potty.
No disrespect to my friend: I'm not suggesting that these two events are of equal importance, naturally.
No, the potty thing is far more important! (just kidding).
Ah, don't we look smart? And so natural?
Ah well. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Toilet training - like marriage - requires constant effort: each day, we must commit anew to making it work.
And one day... it all falls into place.
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