My sister, last Saturday, upon the safe arrival in England of our frazzled little family: "Wow, just think, if you'd come by plane, well, you'd never have got here!"
Me, gleeful: " Yep, I think it's safe to say that the decision to travel through two major capital cities by train was a pretty damned fine one..."
My sister, looking slightly wary: "Mmm... you're going to be smug about this for a while, aren't you?"
Me, bursting with smugness: "No, honey, you're wrong. I'm going to be smug about this for the rest of my life!"
The return treck starts tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
I wish you luck !!! All the luck you deserve on such an aventure+ ;-)
wow they made it onto the blog in double quick time! will look out for the rest smugozer! xx
that was Carol (it's still me!)
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