What can I say?
I have to appease my male readers somehow, so let's just say that the car stuff is here to balance the baby stuff...
Anyway, this week, we are once again in possession of a brightly coloured Twingo!
Exit the character-less Megane... welcome back youthfulness!
Sadly, it's only a temporary return to the carefree days of small car driving: Megane is finally having her hailstone damage repaired, and the Twingo is our courtesy car for the duration.
I love it. I feel like myself again. Suddenly, I can park! Suddenly, I am no longer holding in my breath and preparing for the next accident every time I slide behind the wheel!
I will say one thing though.
When we first got the Megane, I scoffed at all the so-called sophisticated gimmicks, like, for example, the electronic card that replaces a key, and works by "automatic recognition". What a load of unnecessary rubbish, thought I primly, as though it's really too much effort to push a button or turn a key to open one's car!
Well, yesterday, as I stood nonplussed beside my new Twingo, arms laden with kids and stuff, wondering why my car door was not opening automatically... I realised that we DO get used to these "unnecessary" luxuries. In fact, it's amazing how quickly something futile can mutate into something that serves a purpose.
Or, in other words, it's surprising how quickly one becomes accustomed to luxury...

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