So yesterday at the indoor shopping centre, when I found myself trailing a group of three English women plus three prams... and feeling rather wistful, this was a big first.
Why did I suddenly want to be friends with these three random people? Why did I - an almost perfectly integrated semi-French girl - feel kind of left out as I saw them laughing and chatting together?
I suppose, of course, that the answer is loneliness.
Loneliness is not something we readily admit to, and it pains me a little to verbalise it now, but I think that most mums on maternity leave wander onto this territory at some point.
The thing is: wonderful as it is to gurgle and smile and blow raspberries at your beautiful 3 month-old baby all day... there comes a point when you guiltily crave a bit of adult conversation.
I think I may have reached this point.
The funny things is, I didn't realise it until I saw those three women hanging out together yesterday with their babies.
And the worst thing is: I didn't have the courage to ask if I could join them. No, I settled for being a weirdo stalker, trailing behind them for a few minutes, in the irrational hope that they might sense my presence, deduce that I was English, and call me over to join them.
They didn't, of course.
I came home annoyed with myself. What stopped me approaching them? An old fear of maybe not fitting in?
I feel like I'm thirteen all over again... watching other friendship groups form from afar, and wondering which one I could belong to, if any.
But in the meantime, things aren't so bad. I have my LB, and he's pretty good fun. And two of my closest friends just had babies last week, within two days of each other.
So there's a good chance I'll find a new group to hang out with soon enough.
Coucou miss
J'ai enfin de tes nouvelles grace à ce blog, et je suis ravie de voir qu'elles sont bonnes.
Félicitations pour la naissance de LB, je n'ai pas encore parcouru tout le blog mais il semble que la petite famille se porte à merveille.
Quand reprends tu le travail ? J'espere qu'on pourra se voir avant que je ne parte moi même en conges d'Emma car on attend un petit frere ou une petite soeur pour Emma.
Si d'ici là on peut se voir, ça me fera tres plaisir
Céline (from the firm)
So cute! I will be hanging out with you soon. And adult conversation is not all it's cracked up to be so I'd enjoy LB - had to deal with an academic today who thought it was OK to tell some college students to f*** off in a public place while representing the university...
I think you're right about so-called adult conversation!
I suppose what I would really like is to spend time with my family and best friends...
I wish you weren't all so far away!
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