The more astute among you will have deduced that the accident was 100% my fault. I humbly accept that.
However, here's the weird thing:
The guy whose car I damaged ("wrecked" is too strong, but the result was not pretty: bits of his headlight still glitter in the sun along our street...) has still not been in touch to sort it out.
Because he lives just around the corner from us, we decided at the time to get in touch on Monday (that 's a week ago last Monday) to write up the report that is a legal requirement here in order to make an insurance claim.
True to form (ie. upstanding British citizen), I could be seen hovering outside his front gate at 10 am on the Monday in question. No sign of my victim.
Undeterred, I tried again later that afternoon: my victim was out, his son called him for me, and reported that he would be "in touch soon".
STILL undeterred, and anxious to sort it all out, I called and left a message the next day too.
Still no sign of life.
I am perplexed.
Why would someone whose car has been bashed up just not bother getting in touch with the silly person responsible?
I know that people tend to be laid back here in the south of France... but come on.
Just forget it! All my French friends and FH advise me, astounded that I have even bothered to call the guy.
But no, I can't. My British scepticism says he's just going to turn up on my doorstep one day with a huge bill for repair work.
FH is more imaginative: he reckons the guy has no insurance or no license (or is an illegal immigrant / criminal on the run, etc, etc) and we'll never hear from him again.
What do you think?
(Sod's Law would suggest that as soon as I finish this post, he'll ring my doorbell...).
1 comment:
I bet for the "criminal kind of guy you don't want to mess with". Be lucky that he didn't retaliate by putting glue in your door lock.
But I agree that the "no license guy" or "no insurance guy" would make sense too.
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