There were the people who read and there were the others.
Whether you were a reader or a non-reader: it was soon apparent.
There was no greater distinction between people. People were amazed when he asserted this and many shook their heads at such crankiness. But that's how it was. Gregorius knew it. He knew it.
These words caught my attention because they say something I have always secretly thought to be true. But have never really expressed aloud, for fear of seeming like a "book snob" (or whatever the reader's equivalent of "racist" is).
But the more I think about it, the more true it is, I feel. Both my mum and my sister are big readers. And to be honest, so are all of my closest friends.
This may be a coincidence, of course, but is anything really that much of a coincidence, when it comes down to it? Isn't it more likely that we are simply drawn to people who share the same approach as us, who are sensitive to the same things?
I think that those of us who love books have - to some extent - a rich inner life, an escape route from reality, and that tends to come across in some way. At least, it does to a fellow reader.
Just to conclude this post, imagine my delight at BB's growing interest in books!
Sure, we've always made sure he has access to lots of books, but just lately he's actually started "reading" them himself, and for the past few nights I've actually caught him reading in bed before lights out (I use the term reading loosely of course. A more appropriate description would be "turning pages and looking at pictures, often upside down". But the enthusiasm is there).
If BB turns out to be a reader, there's not much would make me happier (except maybe if he follows our lead and also elects to be vegetarian, but that's another story...).
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