Week two and it's time to get down to some serious activity...
Like... training for the St Tropez International Trolley Pushing Championships

And a spot of gardening...

Followed by a bit of watering (watering the water: a particularly useful pastime)...

And another spot of digging...

And when you've done all that, it's time to perform the usual pool checks (temperature and quality of the water, etc.)...

maman studies hard and learns how to be a model French citizen

And Daddy and partner search in vain for a passing salmon or trout

And once we've made sure all is in order on site, it's time to do a little exploring...

In one village,
maman shows off her unique bartering skills.
She starts by proffering a 10-euro note to the poor, downtrodden-looking guy who is trying to sell miniature cars at a local car boot sale.
"Pff!" he exclaims, with a haughty wave of the hand. "3 euros is enough."
maman begs "Oh no, let me give you 5 at least!"
We'd better not let maman go to Casablanca next year. They'd probably laugh her out of town...
Meanwhile, BB tries to distance himself from his pathetic mother by blending in with the crowd (can you spot the English tourist below??)

And father and son carry out a little anthropological study of the locals...
(life seems rather hectic,

Phew. And after all that, it's finally time to take a well-earned break and appreciate the simple pleasures of a balmy Provençal afternoon.

(Baby's 43rd ice-cream...
Baby's 44th ice-cream....
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