I am proud (and mostly, relieved) to announce that last Friday, March 6th 2009, BB took his first steps unaided at crèche! And in the two and a half days since, he has progressed from wary totter to ramrod-straight stride to almost-run!
I KNOW that all kids walk eventually, and that mums whose kids are already struggling bravely to their feet at 10 months are quite blasé about the whole thing, but… well, BB is over 18 months old, so let’s just say that FH and I are far from blasé about this long-awaited development!! In fact, dare I say, we’d almost stopped expecting to see him toddling along unaided. I for one was resigned to having a little creature on all fours scuttling along beside me. Now, suddenly, he seems taller, older, more like a boy and less like a baby.
And, as if impressed with himself, in the space of one weekend, he has acquired a new self-confidence that manifests itself in the (constant) use of one word: NO!
NO! he does NOT wish to eat the yummy lentils and fresh salmon I have painstakingly prepared for him.
NO! he does not care to go to bed now, thank you very much.
NO! he does not want to have the yucky green stuff removed from his nose!
His “NO” is a sweet cross between the French and English pronunciation (a sort of drawn-out “nooooooo!”), which kind of promises a confusing future as regards his bilingualism… But the vigorous headshaking is universal, at least.
It’s great to see his personality affirming itself, to see that he is distinguishing between what he likes and doesn’t like… but gosh it’s tiring. I fear this is only a glimpse of what lies ahead for the next…. 20 years?
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