Monday 17 November 2008

Parapluie contre Paradis...

So, I have a blog. To the dubious, I will say this: I was valiantly anti-blog for a long, long time, so don’t think that this has all happened on a whim. I still have the niggling feeling that there’s something terribly narcissistic about the whole process but, well, you know how it is: my friends are all doing it (and doing it well), so… why not me?
And despite my reservations, today, a small, self-indulgent part of me is going “This is it! I’m famous! I have a blog!” Sad, misguided, celebrity culture… here I come!

The thing about blogs is that they usually improve a lot over time. In other words, the worst is now. Bear with me, oh-so non-judgemental readers, there are wittier, more interesting times ahead!

Oh, and lastly: I finally decided to jump on the blog bandwagon after a very enlightening discussion with a wonderful friend – O – who I bumped into by chance on Saturday afternoon when we both dived into the only non-busy side street in Toulouse at exactly the same time.
O convinced me that bloggers are not pathetic, and that, by testing my ability to write readable stuff on a regular basis, I would be taking important steps down the road to publication (recognition, fame, Nobel Prize for Literature, etc.).
Sincere thanks, O. You know who you are…

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